No Farms No Food

Farms produce food.  Most people do not want to know where their beef and meats are coming from.   One cannot blame them.

We sell our own USDA grass-fed beef.  All cattle is born and raised here on local grass without use of antibiotics, hormones or anything else not provided by the land.   Follow-us on Facebook or check back periodically to see what we have available.

The Guilt-Free Beef

Belted Galloway beef is very different.  It tested as the leanest beef in research studies from various universities.  In a Canadian study Belted Galloway beef was found to have a total fat content of about 2% – an extremely low percentage.   This places grass-fed Belted Galloway lower than any other meat including turkey and chicken – or about 80% less than USDA beef.      Due to the lower fat content also calories are less than half for a similar portion of USDA beef.  Also cholesterol is markedly less – same range as Tuna or Salmon.   All of this is without loss of flavor – in fact Belted Galloway beef has a rich flavor.

Sounds to good to be true?  I know what you are thinking.   Try it and get convinced instead.